Halls Head Community College

This work represented Stage 2 of the project, and was designed to integrate the new landscape works with existing themes and material palette established for Stage 1 by PLAN E.

Project Status

Existing underutilised grassed spaces between teaching blocks were transformed into a series of unique courtyards providing diverse opportunities for both structured and spontaneous forms of activity, play and socialisation, creating a stimulating and dynamic environment for both students and staff.

Wayfinding and pedestrian circulation is facilitated through the definition of movement corridors with paving treatments, planting arrangement and placement of walls and furniture, in combination with signage and public art.

The tree planting strategy within the courtyards utilises a formal arrangement of both deciduous and WA native tree ‘groves’ to show-case specific tree species, and to define outdoor space, create shade and shelter, soften the visual impact of the buildings, and to assist with the overall sustainability initiatives.

Planting within courtyards features plants with sculptural forms and flowering natives to provide seasonal colour, contrasting with the more informal perimeter planting of native trees and shrubs which provide a strong landscape setting for the school.

Existing underutilised grassed spaces between teaching blocks were transformed into unique courtyards providing opportunities for structured and spontaneous forms of activity, play and socialisation.

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